
Showing posts from October, 2022

From Drawing Room dens to Greeters' Guild! | How Smoking Jackets found fresh air - and Smashed It with Sanguine Style!

'Troy Hawke' bestows perfect poise and exquisite manners upon bewildered British shoppers - whatever the occasion.  In splendid attire, Milo McCabe's "non-consensual employment" antics have salvaged the Smoking Jacket from stag party shenanigans. And tawdry Hugh Hefner homage!  The Smoking Jacket suffered a calamitous decline over the past century. Yet it survives... with subtle grace and red-carpet character. Moreso, when sported outside the entrance of B&Q and other august retail outlets. So how did the Smoking Jacket become so strident and stylish a garment in the first place? Origins of the Smoking Jacket  The delights of partaking a pinch of snuff gave way to the dour ritual of actually smoking tobacco by the Victorian era.  This brought with it the hazards of ash smudges, singed fabric, acrid odours and other unbearable insults to evening wear.  Indeed, Smoking Caps even became part of an ensemble to ensure a whiff-free head of hair.  Existing robes, and